My lower wisdom tooth is killing me. I mean - literally. It's bleeding and you could (well, I could actually) see the gum swells. It's white and reddish as well and why the hell am I telling you I have no idea. I guess I just want to share. So yeah - I may want to extract it out but teeth are the only bones that I can see and I feel bad if I extract the last one out. But then again - according to the net - if I do not take good care of my wisdom teeth (all four) they will kinda like make the other bad...?? WHAT?? kalau tak jaga gigi bongsu sume nanti die akan berlubang and merebak ke gigi lain. so tu yang pikir nk cabut ke tak. so far yang sakit yang belah kanan bawah. Haha - I guess it's better if I explain it in Bahasa :)
I've been watching this anime tittle Angel Beats. About teenage souls trap in an afterlife where they are building a battlefront to fight an angel to see whether does God exist or not. macam tu la lebey kurang. The main character is a guy named Otonashi Yuzuru and he died cause he had a very bad heart problem. In the afterlife - a place where they go to school, play baseball and have missions to steal people's lunch coupons - he met a girl name Yuri. She's the leader of this Afterlife Battlefront group thingy. Anyway - things go on and yeah - one by one vaporize cause if you live your life as how you want it to be - you'll vanish. In order word - you'll meet God. actually agak susah nak explain cite ni cause die mcm susah sikit. sebenarnye senang je nak explain tapi mcm nk susun ayat yg susah. lol. I like the anime so I bought the DVD.

And lately I've been listening to 2PM - another Korean band. I don't know. Maybe cause they are different. I mean - Korean songs are. Before this I've listened to Avenged Sevenfold, All Time Low, Escape The Fate and those Warp Tour bands which I think is actually overrated now cause I - personally - think that most people listen to them. So yeah whatever. Anyway - I'm happy with what I am listening too. So should you.
My aunt passed away on the 20th October 2010. I was sad of course but somewhere in my heart - I was happy or rather thankful that she passed away. This was because she had cancers. Yup. That's cancer with a "s". It was breast and later it was brain - which took her life away. I will miss her - no doubt about that but I am not going to wallow in the past about this. Life has to go on. Let the dead be. We - the living - must go on. One day - we will die. trying to be "filosofik" what? is that even a word??!! :O
Current song playing : Incomplete by Junsu and Jaebom.

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